Haunted Reality TShirt App

We presented the idea of running an AR and Oculus Rift booth during the Stalker Farms Haunted Attractions 2014 event. They loved the idea, so we pressed forward developing a Haunted Oculus Experience, AR cards and t-shirts, and a Haunted Reality App. By partnering with this opportunity, we not only get to interact with the local buzz, but we also get to share the Oculus Rift and AR gadgets in an unprecedented way.

Ouhls and Ghouls!

The goal was to create something scary and family friendly. The Jack-in-the-box definitely has the “make you jump” factor. We’re sure it will make your friends a fright!

Our Approach

As with all of our Augmented Reality apps, we start off with a great idea and with a little imagination build the assets required to deliver the experience. The app runs seamless in either Android or iOS mobile devices; this is because we’ve been the app via the Unity platform in conjunction with animated 3D models.

Snap a Photo!
Get ready… set… Go! Load up the Haunted Reality app on your mobile device and watch it whirl into action. Wait for it! Pow! We hope you were startled.

Upload it to your Friends!

We know that you’re wearing the shirt and we gather that you probably have a lot of friends who would love to see your new gadget on Facebook or Twitter. So we’ve implemented a social media sharing button for this sole purpose of uploading it to friends and family.

Save it for Later!

Want to see it again and again? Save the photo for later viewing or sending to a friend a month later reminding him/her of how cool you are.